
Before installing shiva there are some dependencies that you have to take care of.


You are going to need:

  • ffmpeg
  • libxml C headers
  • python headers
  • sqlite (optional)

If you want Shiva to automatically fetch artists’ images from Last.FM while indexing you are going to need an API key. You can get one at

This makes the whole indexing slower because issues a request on a per-album and per-artist basis, but does a lot of work automatically for you.

By default Shiva uses a SQLite database, but this can be overriden.

To install all the dependencies on Debian (and derivatives):

sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev ffmpeg python-dev sqlite

For simplicity, you can just run:

sudo apt-get install `cat dependencies.apt`

If at some point of the installation process you get the error:

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz

You also need the package lib32z1-dev

On Mac OS X with homebrew you can get the libxml headers with:

brew install libxml2 libxslt

On Mac OS X sqlite should come pre-installed. If it’s not:

brew install sqlite

Installing from source

  • Get the source:
$ git clone
$ cd shiva-server
  • Create and activate your virtalenv (highly recommended):
$ virtualenv .virtualenv
$ source .virtualenv/bin/activate
  • Install:
$ python develop
  • Rename shiva/config/ to
$ cp shiva/config/ shiva/config/

See `Configuration`_ for more info.

  • Edit it and configure the directories to scan for music.
  • Run the indexer:
$ shiva-indexer
  • Run the file server:
$ shiva-fileserver
  • Run the server in a different console:
$ shiva-server

Installing using pip

You can install Shiva through pip, running the following command:

$ pip install shiva

That will automatically download and install Shiva and all its dependencies.

Note: This will install the latest release, which may contain bugs and lack some features. It is highly recommended that you install the latest development version, following the manual installation guide above.